Sunday, March 27, 2011

university test and funDAY \(`-`)/

last month, i went to jakarta with my bestfriend (Ceria Bion E.). we would have a test at pancasila university in Jakarta. wahaa, it's really fun but i was affraid because i felt not ready with the test. we flight to jakarta on the night, it's little creepy but we were enjoy with the flight. arrived in Jakarta, we took the baggage. and then we met a someone haha, guess who? he is ..... Peppyyap! at first time, we was still shame with him, but finally we could asked for him to took photo together.

it's my photo with peppy :D

after that, we went to our homes. i went to my uncle's house with my lil' bro, he picked me up by DAMRI and cebi with her brother. 

the day after tomorrow, this is the time for the test. my heart was pounding. but, i must ready huhu T.T. i went to pancasila university with my lil' bro by a train. it's so interesting! we traveled for about 30 minutes from my uncle's house. we arrived in there early, so we decided to go to bogor first to visit my aunt and when we arrived in bogor fell heavy rain. we were confused, because we must back to jakarta again. we fast moving and what happens? we got a problem. we missed the train. OMG, what should i do? i can't do anything. my mind was so jumbled. and, my lil' bro got the result for that. finally i got there too late, i'm was embarrassed with the other students. 
fiuh, it's the bad story that never can i forget. 
from that story i can learn, 'better we wait than we late' :D 


  1. keren photo bareng peppy :D..

  2. wahaha, ke jakarta aja. ato nda suruh peppy kesini lagi syuting :p (ngayal)
